DWI, DUI Nursing License In Texas | Nurses Attorney Texas

Worried about how a DUI or DWI will impact your nursing license in Texas? Schedule a free consultation with Kevin Keaney, an experienced nurses attorney. Note that the free consultation is ONLY for professional licensing matters.
The Potential Impact of DWI on Your Nursing License
If you have questions about the impact of DWI on your nursing license, or any aspect of the license defense process, please call to schedule a free consultation with a nurses attorney, (512) 829-5619.
A driving while intoxicated (DWI) charge can have a major impact, not only on your personal life, but also on your nursing career. You will most likely need to retain an attorney to represent you on the DWI and related criminal-law charges. But you should also consider retaining a nurses attorney who has experience dealing with the Texas Board of Nursing (BON).
If you’re convicted of the DWI charge or a related charge, you likely will be required to report it to the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) on your renewal. This requirement applies not only when you are convicted of a DWI charge, but also when you’re simply charged within the reporting period.
The nursing board likely may open an investigation to determine whether you have violated the Nurse Practice Act (NPA). The result could be any of the following:
- mandatory alcohol or drug treatment
- participation in TPAPN (Texas Peer Assistance Program for Nurses)
- restrictions on your nursing practice
- suspension or revocation of your nursing license
We can assist you with a required report and investigation. To schedule a free consultation with a nurses attorney, please call (512) 829-5619 or email contact@nursesattorneytexas.com. Note that the free consultation is ONLY for professional licensing matters.
Please note: Before becoming an attorney, Kevin Keaney practiced as a nurse for four years. He has more than 30 years experience and is a member of The American Association of Nurse Attorneys. Kevin is licensed to practice in Texas, Oregon, and Washington, and he can assist with all aspects of nursing license defense.
Our law firm is in the Austin area, and we help nurses from all across Texas, including: San Antonio, El Paso, Dallas, Houston, Amarillo and Lubbock.