If You Live Out Of State

If you have questions about a license defense issue, call to schedule a free legal consultation with a nurses attorney, (512) 829-5619. Note that the free consultation is ONLY for professional licensing matters.
If you have been contacted by the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) about a complaint that’s been filed against you, we can help you defend your nursing license, even if you’re currently living out of state.
Whether you are a traveling nurse who worked in Texas, were practicing in Texas under the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC), or worked in Texas but have since left the state, we can make the process easy on you by completing most of our work by phone, FAX, and e-mail.
The vast majority of our cases can be resolved without nurses ever having to appear before the board at the BON headquarters in Austin.
We can help you with all aspects of nursing license defense, including:
- complaint or allegation
- investigation by the nursing board
- Agreed Orders (this is the settlement or discipline proposed by the nursing board)
- stipulations by the board
- informal settlement conferences
- formal settlements
- administrative hearings
- Texas Court Of Appeals
Even if the issue that you’re dealing with seems like a minor one, which you can handle on your own, it would be advisable to at least seek input from an experienced nurses attorney. Any disciplinary sanction that the Texas nursing board imposes, including the lowest level of a warning, becomes part of public record and could impact your nursing career for years to come.
If you have questions about defending your nursing license, or would like to schedule a free legal consultation, call (512) 829-5619, or e-mail contact@nursesattorneytexas.com. Note that the free consultation is ONLY for professional licensing matters.
Please note: Kevin Keaney is a nurses attorney with more than 30 years experience. He is licensed to practice law in Texas, Oregon, and Washington. Before he became an attorney, he earned his BSN from the University of Texas Austin and worked as a nurse for four years.
Our law office is in the Austin area, and we represent nurses from all across Texas, including: Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, El Paso, Amarillo, and Lubbock. Click here to see our client reviews and testimonials!