Texas Peer Assistance Program For Nurses (TPAPN)


If you have questions or concerns about TPAPN or substance abuse issues, call to schedule a free consultation with a nurses attorney, (512) 829-5619. Note that the free consultation is ONLY for professional licensing matters.

The Texas Peer Assistance Program For Nurses (TPAPN) is designed for nurses who are struggling with substance abuse issues (drugs or alcohol) or mental health issues.

This voluntary program is run by the Texas Nurses Foundation (in cooperation with the Texas Board of Nursing) and is designed to help nurses and safeguard patients.

The cornerstones of TPAPN are early identification, support, monitoring, and accountability – with the goal being to allow nurses with substance abuse issues or mental health conditions to return to safe nursing practice.

Within the TPAPN program, there are separate tracks for substance abuse and mental health conditions, and separate tiers depending on the severity of the nurse’s diagnosis (mild, moderate, or severe). The tiers of TPAPN are also influenced by the nurse’s needs, referral information, remission, and type of nursing license. For example, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) have special considerations, because of the nature of their practices. Some of the tiers in TPAPN require practice monitoring, while others do not.

Nurses who are experiencing substance abuse issues or mental health events can be referred to TPAPN or ordered to go to the program as part of a disciplinary sanction imposed by the Texas Board of Nursing (BON).

The TPAPN program includes an assessment to determine:

  • diagnosis
  • recommendations for treatment and recovery support
  • determination of fitness to practice nursing
  • nursing practice monitoring needs

Nurses who participate in the TPAPN program may be required to:

  • submit to periodic drug testing
  • refrain from nursing practice
  • participate in recovery support, including peer support from a volunteer nurse advocate
  • have their nursing practice monitored and/or restricted

For more information about the TPAPN Nurse program, or to schedule a free consultation with a nurses attorney, please call (512) 829-5619, or e-mail contact@nursesattorneytexas.com. Note that the free consultation is ONLY for professional licensing matters.

Please note: Kevin Keaney has more than 30 years experience as an attorney, and he helps nurses in Texas, Oregon, and Washington defend their professional licenses. Before becoming an attorney, Kevin earned his BSN from the University of Texas Austin and practiced as a nurse for four years. He is a member of TAANA (The American Association of Nurse Attorneys).

Our law firm is in the Austin area, and we help nurses from all across Texas, including: San Antonio, El Paso, Dallas, Houston, Amarillo, and Lubbock.