Warnings And Reprimands From The Nursing Board: What’s The Difference

If you have questions about warnings or reprimands from the board, call to schedule a free legal consultation with a nurses attorney, (512) 829-5619. Note that the free consultation is ONLY for professional licensing matters.
In Texas, if the nursing board finds that a nurse has violated the Nurse Practice Act, it can impose disciplinary sanctions. The most common types (and lowest levels) of discipline are “warnings” and “reprimands.”
Causes For Discipline From The Nursing Board
Warnings and reprimands from the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) can be applied for many types of reasons, including:
- expired nursing license
- non-conformance with continuing education requirements
- lying and falsification of documents
- substance abuse
- criminal arrests (including DUI and DWI)
- dishonesty, fraud, and deceit
- sexual misconduct
- violation of boundaries
Warnings And Reprimands Are Serious
While warnings and reprimands might seem like no big deal, they are! They're published in the BON’s newsletter, are available online, and are a matter of public record. Warnings and reprimands, like all other disciplinary sanctions from the board, can be added to public nursing data banks and accessed by other agencies.
Let’s take a look at the difference between a warning from the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) and a reprimand.
Warnings From The Nursing Board In Texas
A warning is the lowest level of discipline that the nursing board imposes. The board typically applies a warning when it can’t prove the allegation or complaint that was made against the nurse, when the offense is minor, and/or when the offense is a first-time one. It’s important to note that a warning establishes a “history,” and if a second complaint is filed against you, the nursing board will take the initial warning into consideration.
Examples of nursing violations that might merit a warning from the board of nursing include: sleeping on the job, errors in administering meds, and inaccurate or incomplete medical records.
Reprimands From The Nursing Board In Texas
A reprimand from the nursing board in Texas is a step above a warning, and it’s often the result of a negotiated settlement from the board. A reprimand is better than the more severe disciplines of limits on your nursing license, suspension of your nursing license, or revocation of your nursing license, but it can still have a profound impact on your career.
Fines and Stipulations From The Nursing Board
Warnings and reprimands both can include fines and stipulations. Typically, the board’s stipulations require that a nurse takes remedial education, submits to periodic drug and/or alcohol testing, agrees to supervision, and/or limits the scope of their nursing practice.
For more information about warnings or reprimands, or to schedule a free legal consultation, please call (512) 829-5619, or e-mail contact@nursesattorneytexas.com. Note that the free consultation is ONLY for professional licensing matters.
Please make note: Kevin Keaney has more than 30 years experience as an attorney and is a member of The American Association of Nurse Attorneys (TAANA). Before becoming an attorney, he earned his BSN from UT Austin and worked for four years as a nurse. He is licensed to practice law in Texas, Oregon, and Washington.
Our law firm is in the Austin area, and we help nurses from all across Texas, including: San Antonio, El Paso, Dallas, Houston, Amarillo, and Lubbock.