Informal Settlement Conferences ~ Texas Board Of Nursing

If you have questions about the Texas Board of Nursing’s informal settlement conferences, call (512) 829-5619 to schedule a free consultation with a nurses attorney. Note that the free consultation is ONLY for professional licensing matters.
The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) licenses and regulates all nurses in the state of Texas. The BON also investigates complaints, and if it is found that a nurse has violated the Nursing Practice Act (NPA), the board proposes disciplinary sanctions.
These sanctions may come in the form of an “Agreed Order,” or Informal Settlement Proposal, and they run the gamut from a reprimand to license suspension.
If you hsve been investigated by the board of nursing and have been offered an Agreed Order, you can:
- accept the Agreed Order, sign it, and return it to the BON’s office
- suggest revisions to the Agreed Order and submit those, in writing, for the nursing board’s consideration
- In some cases at the discretion of the BON, you may be invited to attend an informal settlement conference.
An informal settlement conference is, in effect, mediation. You (and an attorney, if you wish) meet with staff from the BON and a nursing board attorney. In the conference, you’ll talk about the evidence that was uncovered in the investigation, possible violations, and potential settlement (discipline).
Typically, when the informal settlement conference is over, the board staff will let you know their recommendations. When the BON staff determine action is warranted, a new proposed “Agreed Order” will be mailed to you. Once again, you can sign it or propose revisions.
If you’re this far along in the nursing license defense process, and you’ve handled everything on your own, now might be the time to consider hiring an experienced nurses attorney.
We can help you:
- determine whether an informal settlement conference is the best approach for your case
- help you schedule the informal conference with the nursing board
- prep you for the informal conference
- attend the informal conference with you
- negotiate terms of your Agreed Order
If an agreement can’t be reached during the informal settlement conference, the board will file formal charges, and your case will move on to the administrative hearing phase.
For more information about informal settlement conferences with the BON, or to schedule a free consultation, please call (512) 829-5619, or e-mail Note that the free consultation is ONLY for professional licensing matters.
Please make note: Kevin Keaney is licensed to practice law in Texas, Oregon, and Washington. He worked as a nurse for four years before becoming an attorney. A graduate of the School of Nursing at the University of Texas at Austin (BSN degree) and Fordham Law School, Kevin has more than 30 years experience as an attorney. He is a member of the American Association of Nurse Attorneys (TAANA).
Located in the Austin area, our law firm helps nurses from all across Texas, including: El Paso, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Amarillo, and Lubbock.