Reinstatement Agreement Order For Nursing License ~ Texas Board Of Nursing (BON)


If you have questions about a reinstatement agreement order, or any other aspect of your nursing license reinstatement, call to schedule a free legal consultation with a nursing license defense attorney, (512) 829-5619. Please note that we only help nurses, nursing students, and nursing applicants – with licensing and disciplinary issues.

If your nursing license has been suspended, revoked, or surrendered, and you’ve submitted a petition for reinstatement to the Texas Board of Nursing (BON), the board could send you a Reinstatement Agreed Order.

This Agreed Order means that a review panel has recommended that your nursing license be reinstated. If you accept the Agreed Order, you can sign it and send it back to the board for the board’s final approval. If the board approves the Agreed Order, your nursing license will be reinstated. If, for some reason, however, the board rejects the Agreed Order (or you decide to reject it), you can request a public hearing.

While you might receive the Reinstatement Agreed Order after you submit your petition for reinstatement of your license, you could be required to participate in an informal conference before a decision is made.

At the informal conference, you’ll meet with a panel of staff members from the BON who will review your petition for reinstatement and make a recommendation to the board to approve or deny your petition. If the panel recommends that your nursing license be reinstated, the board will then send you the Reinstatement Agreement Order, and you’ll follow the steps listed above.

The informal conference is private (not open to the public), and you have the right to have people speak on your behalf, including an attorney.

Because so much is at stake – your livelihood and future career opportunities – this probably isn’t the time to try to go it alone. We can help you with the petition for reinstatement application, the supporting documents that need to be submitted with the application, and the informal conference. We can also review the Reinstatement Agreement Order, and represent you at a public hearing if you or the board decide to reject the Agreed Order.

For more information about the nursing board’s reinstatement agreement for a nursing license, or to schedule a free consultation with a nurses attorney, please call (512) 829-5619.

Please note: Kevin Keaney has more than 30 years experience as an attorney and is a member of The American Association of Nurse Attorneys (TAANA). Before becoming an attorney, Kevin earned his BSN from the University of Texas at Austin and worked as a nurse for four years.

Located in the Austin area, our law office represents nurses from all across Texas, including: Houston, Dallas, El Paso, San Antonio, Lubbock, and Amarillo.